BASEBALL TEAM TO TOUR ANTIGUA Friday 30th January 2015
The Foreign Devils International Baseball Team will be visiting Antigua on February 21 to 28, 2015 to participate in the Little League Baseball Friends Cup and conduct workshops. This week of activities, organized by the Antigua and Barbuda Little League Baseball Association under the leadership of Craig Tuckett, president of the organization, will be the first Antigua Barbuda Baseball Week.
During this week the members comprising the delegation of the Foreign Devils’ team will be conducting clinics for the Antigua Barbuda Little League players and baseball/softball training workshops for umpires. Games will be played at the Police Recreations Grounds and Antigua Recreation Grounds according to the schedule below.
One member of the visiting delegation, a scout of the US-based MLB pro team Tampa Bay Rays will be facilitating a try-outs for the young players between the ages of 14 to 23 years old, through which the best talented players can be scouted, and given the opportunity to showcase their performance abilities on playing the game.
Jose George Sr. and Jose George Jr., technical coordinators, are hoping that the event will attract a large number of children and youngsters to join the baseball clubs in Antigua, so that the opportunities for talented baseball players here can continue to develop and strengthen hence equipping themselves better into a more professional performance.
February 21st
Leave the USA and arrive in Antigua and enjoy a day on the beach.
February 22nd
Equipment donation ceremony at 2pm followed by game #1 at the Police Grounds. Then by some rest and relaxation.
February 23rd
Tour of English Harbor, lunch at the harbor, then 6pm game #2 at the Antigua Recreation Grounds.
February 24th
Visit to Nelson's Dock Yard National Park and Devils Bridge, baseball clinic then 6pm game #3 at the Antigua Recreation Grounds.
February 25th
Baseball and umpiring clinics at the Johnson Sport Field plus a free day off to enjoy the beaches, go shopping and just relax. Tampa Bay Rays tryouts at the Police Grounds.
February 26th
Walking tour along Carpenters Rock Trail up to Shirley Heights, afternoon baseball clinic and 2pm game #4 at the Police Grounds.
February 27th
Tour of Betty Hope Sugar Plantation followed by 2pm game #5 at the Police Grounds.
February 28th
Leave for the USA
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