23rd November 2017 - The National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) is winding down the emergency phase following Hurricane Irma and is getting ready for phase two of the operation, which is the re-building process.
This requires that all Barbudans with damaged properties be in Barbuda while work is being carried out on these structures. They will also be engaged in training with the workmen on the enforcement of building codes and standards.
Those persons living in the Sir Vivian Richards Circket Stadium and Anchorage Inn will be the first to be relocated. Temporary shelter will be established in Barbuda while the homes of those who live in the shelters that fall in level one and two will be given special attention.
The government has made it clear that Barbudans with damaged properties are entitled to duty-free concession. To benefit, they should submit an estimate to NODS, with a quotation from the supplier. NODS will then approve and process the documentation.
Repair work has already started on properties that received minimal damage and focus is also being placed on homes for those persons who have special responsibilities for normal operations in Barbuda. These include healthcare workers, APUA staff, customs and immigration, airport authority, security personnel and educators.
Persons who have level one and two damage and have their own contractor to do repairs will be supported with materials however the work must be done to the standard of the oversight committee that will be established in Barbuda.
Meanwhile, repair work on public buildings is continuing. The roof of the terminal building has been replaced and work on the fence is about 90 percent complete. Work on the hospital is progressing. This includes repairing the roof, replacing windows and doors. Work is also ongoing on the Barbuda Council building, which consists of replacing the roof, windows and doors.
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