CARNIVAL COUNTDOWN & WHAT’S ON Friday 21st July 2023
It’s CARNIVAL Countdown! The Caribbean’s best festival. Don’t miss a thing; start planning with this week’s What’s On. Times, events, places, people. Carnival Queen, Teenage Pageant, T-shirt Mas, Jouvert, Druesday; mark your diary, practice your dance moves, plan your finery - you can even win a costume at Bryden’s.
It’s not just about Carnival. Try something new; learn to make Sushi with the right wine-pairings in the gorgeous surroundings of Rokuni, as part of the Rock’s Group summer series.
There are tapas specials, dining specials, sailing specials, jewellery specials, spa specials, all sorts of specials. Don’t miss this week's What’s On.
Click here for all News and Specials for What's On