DISCOVER BARBUDA Thursday 29th October 2009
The island of Barbuda is not so much a hidden secret anymore, but these days it's simply a protected one. I would love to say it's protected by legislation and careful management, but essentially it is protected by geography and simple economics.
Basically, getting to Barbuda isn't easy. You have only a few choices of transportation to get you to this beautiful island and none are that easy. This is most unfortunate for all of our country's visitors and also for many Barbudans, but selfishly it's nothing less than treasure for the lucky few of us that find our way there.
Historically Barbuda's economy sustained itself by small scale farming and fisheries, but usually supplemented with the frequent spoils of ship salvage. It's unique geography being ideally suited for that unfortunate industry meant that from the very earliest days of maritime history to the present time, vessels have met their end on the miles and miles of hidden reefs that protect Barbuda's coastline.
Whenever we go over by boat we are always struck by the fantastic natural beauty that surrounds the island. From the huge mangrove shrouded lagoon in the North to the seeminly endless pink fringed beach in the West to the wonderfully situated hotels in the South, to the rugged and barrier reef, protected beaches on the East Barbuda is an adventure seekers dream. The possibilities are endless! Of course I have only told you a small part of it, and the rest.....will remain a secret. Unless we take you there......... Eli Fuller.
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