Upcoming Sailability Fundraisers
Each year Bob Bailey, Sailablity Director and wife Su spend their time fundraising to ensure the Sailablity Programme continues to be well funded.
A curry night earned EC$1500 and marked the start of this seasons efforts. Two further big events are now being planned:
- The February Fun Regatta & Dock Party - dinghy racing and dock party with bar and grill - Sunday February 26th
- Sailability Super Sunday - this is the return of the Family Friendly Day for the Differently-Abled community and will include a walk, fun and games on the lawn and live music - this will take place on Sunday March 19th
- Superyacht Challenge - the Dinghy Edition - A day where Superyacht Crews compete for victory but this time on dinghies - team costumes can help weight the scores. Full bar, music, a raffle & entertainment for the family make this a great day - this will take place on Sunday March 26th
- Funds raised from both events support our ability to deliver free sailing to the differently-abled community in Antigua.
Any individuals or organisations wishing to donate time, funds or raffle prizes to the cause are much appreciated.
The Sailability Programme continues to offer weekly sailing development and sailing experiences for the differently-abled youths and adults of Antigua. Weekly visits in term time are made by the Adele School, The Victory Centre, the National Rehabilitatiion Centre (NRC) & Friends of the Care Project as well as number of differently-abled individuals.
Working with Ronald Greenaway, program manager at the NRC we are now reaching out to the elderly community members in Barnes Hill, Cedar Grove, All Saints and Sweetes. Six people a week visit and enjoy a joy ride of the harbour and the dockside lime post sailing.
Below - Amerilla Henry, one of our Thursday community sailors at the helm of an RS Venture SCS Connet. Photo by fellow sailor Agneta Daniel.
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