NEW YEAR, NEW ABCF EXECUTIVE BOARD Tuesday 9th February 2016

"Focus on the introduction and development of youth and females in the sport of cycling" That’s the objective of the executive of the Antigua & Barbuda Cycling Federation. Returning President André Solomon commits to building upon the progress made by the Federation last year, stating “Specifically, we want to increase the awareness of the sport; increase our membership base, especially as it relates to children and females; increase the technical and administrative qualification of our membership; and transform Antigua & Barbuda to a preferred destination for the sport, in all areas”.
The executive elected at the Annual General Meeting on January 13th 2016 also include:
Secretary, Roland Morgan
Assistant Secretary, George Baptiste
1st Vice President, Curtis McKay
2nd Vice President, Jevon Goodwin
Treasurer, Derrick Sutherland
Assistant Treasurer, Cleopatra James
With over 20 years-combined experience in sporting and other organizations, Solomon is confident in his team saying, “the path won’t be easy, but I have a good team, and a membership that is equally as committed to building the sport”.
The season will officially start on February 28th with a circuit race, but pre-season events have already begun with Federation endorsed events such as valentine’s weekend Road Runners Cycling Club 9 mile family fun ride fundraiser.
This is the Official Calendar for the 2016 Cycling Season. A PDF version is available on our website at Please check this link periodically for the most recent version.

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