LIAT and Antigua Sailing Week Join Forces To Sponsor The Caribbean Sailing Association Annual Conference
LIAT, The Caribbean Airline (LIAT) has been associated with Antigua Sailing Week (ASW) for a number of years and is now pleased to be able to extend its support to the Caribbean Sailing Association (CSA) in conjunction with ASW, as a sponsor of the CSA’s Annual Conference to be held from October 24-26, 2014 at Antigua Yacht Club.
David Evans, CEO of LIAT said: “We see this as a natural fit for the airline. In the same way that CSA is striving to bring together key stakeholders in sailing from throughout the Caribbean, LIAT’s purpose is to connect the people and communities across the 18 destinations that the airline serves across the region.."
The conference consists of a one day Annual General Meeting, a two day Regatta Organisers Conference with a focus specifically on Sailing Development with the assistance of Tim Cross of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). In addition, 14 CSA rating rule measurers from around the region will convene to discuss changes and developments in the CSA rating rule ahead of the 2015 racing season.
Alison Sly-Adams of Antigua Sailing Week and a board member of the Caribbean Sailing Association is delighted that the LIAT sponsorship has been extended to include the CSA Annual Conference. “It is important that we continue to challenge how we deliver value to our sponsors year round where possible. Antigua Sailing Week’s sponsorship by LIAT assists us in bringing key people to Antigua Sailing Week and enables us to visit other islands around the Caribbean to market the event. Being able to assist in doing the same for the CSA for what has become one of the highlights of the year in terms of reviewing Antigua Sailing Week and working with our peers across all the events in the Caribbean, means we all benefit by enabling more regional stakeholders to participate in the conference.”
The initial conference timetable has now been released. For more details please visit
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