A new doctor will this year join the medical team for the Antigua Lions Club’s 5th Annual Prostate Screening Clinic in association with Dr. Dwayne ‘Baba’ Thwaites.
He is Daniel J. Caruso, MD MBA, who completed his undergraduate degree with high honors in Biological Sciences at the College of New Jersey. He earned his MD and MBA degrees at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Rutgers University Graduate School of Management respectively. Prior to going into private practice in Northern Palm Beach County, Dr. Caruso worked as a faculty member as a Clinical Instructor of Urology at the University of Miami.
In addition to caring for patients with complex voiding dysfunction or urologic conditions requiring reconstructive surgery, he treated patients with prostate, kidney, bladder and testis cancer. Lions President Eural Baptiste paid tribute to Dr. Thwaites whose idea it was to host these free prostate screening clinics.
“In 2007 Dr. Thwaites approached the Club about starting these screenings and the Board of Directors under the leadership of then President Lion Hordley Forbes readily agreed to provide the sponsorship. That year, we did clinics at a number of locations in Antigua & Barbuda costing the Lions Club about EC$30,000. Dr. Thwaites is a son of the soil and it is wonderful and inspiring to see him taking this initiative to give back to his country.
“In addition to Dr. Thwaites and Dr. Caruso, we are also pleased that our lone female volunteer Dr. Tasha Cooke will be back for her second year and Dr. Brian Cohen will be returning for a fourth year. Dr. Cohen has been practicing at Victoria Urological Associates in North Carolina, since June 2008 and he is a trained urologist with specialised training in Female Urology, Incontinence, Neurourology, and Voiding Dysfunction,” Lion Baptiste said.
The Free Prostate Screening Clinic will be held at the Lions Club on Saturday 18th August, 2012. Registration is from 8 am to 12 noon. All males, especially those 40 years and over, are encouraged to attend. Click here for all News and Specials for Sports, Trade, Industry and Commerce & Culture