The Antigua and Barbuda Athletics Association (ABAA) on Thursday, elected a new executive to run the affairs of the organization for the next four years.
Former politician and Medical Practitioner Dr. Rodney Williams was unanimously re-elected to serve as President. Everton Cornelius, Relton Braithwaite and Calvin Greenaway were elected as First, Second and Third Vice-Presidents respectively.
In accepting the position of President, Dr. Williams outlined that he is prepared for the challenge and will approach the duties of his position with honesty and sincerity and called upon the members of the executive to do likewise.
Dr. Williams also announced that he will be taking steps to institute a Code of Ethics for the organization and urged executive and ordinary members to do all in their means to uplift the athletes and their fellow colleagues.
He also stated that of priority for his association is the upgrade of the YASCO grounds, which he says, is essential for the increase in athlete participation and the hosting of regional meets. He noted that the construction of sandpits in the schools and increasing female involvement in athletics would also be addressed by the association.
Also elected during the association’s Annual General Meeting were Judy Blackman - Treasurer, Joann Small - Assistant Treasurer, Angella Maginley - Women’s Representative and Peter Cuffy, Cordova Simon, Richard Lindsay, Olivette Michael and Ted Dailey as Members.
The Antigua Jaycees’ President Delacy Isaac, Past President Adrian Zachariah and General Legal Council Matthew Ward conducted the elections. Observers included President of the Antigua Olympic Association Senator Paul Chet Greene, Marketing Manager of LIME Mr. Shand Merchant and a representative from the Office of the Prime Minister.
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