Brittany Noon |
Ria Stowe with Senator Parker |
The Community Development (CDD) in the Ministry of Social Transformation on Wednesday, awarded the recipients of the 5th Annual Homes, Families and Garden Festival, Research and Poetry Competition, at the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda.
Ria Stowe and Brittany Noon of the Christ the King High Schools were the overall winners of the 7-11 and 13-18 categories for the poetry respectively, while Jem Lafraichere took the prize in the 19-35 segment.
Stowe collected as part of her winnings of a trophy, Stingray City Gift Voucher and a gift voucher from Dr. Sengupta. Completing the circle of winners for that segment were Rayne'cia DeBellotte in second place and Shannelle Streete in the third spot.
In the 13 -18 Category Noon received a $400.00 cheque courtesy (ACT), while the second place winner Ashley Benjamin got from Dr. Sengupta a Voucher for Dental Cleaning, 3rd place winner Kelsey Harris received a Hand Chain (JCM Jewelers) & educational supplies.
For the 19 - 35 Category Lafraichere received a $100 .00 Gift Certificate from Kennedies
Enterprises and educational supplies. All the winners in the First, second and third spots received trophies courtesy the Department of Community Development.
In the Research Competition, the following individuals were also awarded.
1st place - E' Shevon Christian - 12 yrs - 1 Stingray City Voucher that accompanies 4 persons
2nd place - Kenhiah Gordon- 11 yrs - A Chain with Pendant (JCM & A Book
3rd place - Carla Mitchell - 12 yrs - Set of Books
The more than 100 students who submitted entries also received certificate of participation.
Poetry and Research was conducted as a component of the (Homes Families and Garden Festival (H.F.G.F), among the age groups 7-12 years, 13-18 years and 19-35 years.
Youths were encouraged to enter poems based on the theme of the Homes Families and Garden Festival, “Think Beautification for the Nations Health & Wealth”, or research paper based on the history of his or her community, notable persons or events.
Awarding the students were The Hon. Malaka Parker, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Social Transformation, Permanent Secretary Cecily Philip, Director of Community Development Brenda Thomas Odlum and Julia Wallace Operations Manager Antigua and Barbuda Development Bank. Click here for all News and Specials for