AHTA ITALIAN CLASSES Tuesday 14th October 2014
Further to popular demand we are introducing Italian classes. We know that many properties welcome visitors from Italy so we are inviting your front line employees or any persons with a passion for the Italian language to be a part of the upcoming 12 week course for Beginners Italian. Classes commence on Thursday October 16th. Beginners classes will be held on either Thursday or Friday evenings from 5.30pm to 7.30pm in the class room at the AHTA office on Newgate Street.
You will be introduced to the richly diverse culture of Italy. Emphasis is placed on verbal communication using basic survival vocabulary. Subjects include greetings, shopping skills and transportation.
Cost is EC$400.00 per term. Interested persons should complete the registration form and return it to the AHTA office before October 15th. For more information please contact: Anthea Watkins – 462- 3703 or anthea@antiguahotels.org.

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