The Rotaract Club of Antigua has wrapped up the first quarter of its 2012-2013 fiscal year with a heartfelt installation ceremony for three new members who have undoubtedly displayed the vision and drive needed to be part of the Rotaract Family.
The three new Rotaractors include Caron Jacobs, Dave Josiah and Cherisse Adams, who have all graciously embraced this year’s mantra 'Fostering the Four Ships (Fellowship, Membership, Leadership and Partnership) while serving Our Community.'
Newly pinned member, Dave talks about Rotaract as “ an inspirational experience to me, in that, I had learned a lot of things from membership & fellowship, community service, training sessions of professional influence & finance & fundraising skills to improve my personal development. I am looking forward to continue learning, supporting, participating and delegating my committment to this club.”
“Over the past months, these individuals have demonstrated that they are willing serve and help promote the Rotaract cause. They’ve committed more than 60 hours to our club's projects and efforts, helping us to serve our community to the best of their abilities. They’ve been involved in countless service projects from beach cleanups, tree planting, facelift projects to fundraising events that enabled us to provide the essentials to people in need. They have demonstrated that they have the will-power and strength to be a part of Rotaract.
"They are willing to serve others and are true humanitarians at heart with impeccable potential leadership skills and focused discipline. We’re happy to welcome them as new members of the global community of more than 200,000 members spanning 120 countries, making Rotaract one of the largest youth organizations in the world,” said Rotaract Club of Antigua President, Daydre Daley.
Also, the club promoted longstanding guest Jamel Ralph to position of prospective member.
President Daley said the pinning of these new members and the advancement of others indeed signals continued growth for the club with new partnerships and service opportunities.
“As the group closes off an eventful first quarter, we are excited that we will be able to accomplish more with the new energy and ideas from these three community members and do more,” Daley said.
In the meantime, new members Caron Jacobs and Dave Josiah, who are also members of the Club's Finance Committee, will lead the charge this weekend in the anticipated Rotaract Domino Competition set to take place at the Antigua Domino Association Building in St. John's.
The installation comes mere days after a successful beach cleanup activity organized by the International Service Committee and executed in collaboration with Rotarians and Interactors from across the twin-island state and beyond.
The Rotaract Club of Antigua looks forward to continued contributions to the community development and overall scope of nation building.
The Rotaract Club of Antigua is an international service club for persons aged 18 to 30 who want to make a difference within their community. If you have an interest in joining the club, please send an email to Click here for all News and Specials for Rotaract Club of Antigua