The Rotaract Club of Antigua is revved up and ready for another year dedicated to impeccable service. Now, the time has come for the offical annoucing of this year's theme and the unveiling of this year's logo. The club will be guided by three themes. The 2012-2013 Rotary International theme, “Peace Through Service”, the 2012–2013 Rotaract District 7030 theme, “Service Through Passion; SustainabilityThrough Training”. And moreover, the Rotaract Club of Antigua plans on performing and serving during this upcoming year under its own, original theme, “Fostering the Four Ships while Serving our Community”.
President Daydre Daley expresses how this years’ monumental logo and theme, was conceived and more importantly, rationalizes how the club intends to embody and carry out the vision of "Fostering the Four Ships”:
In my search for the right words to summarize my ideas, I reviewed the four Avenues of Service and noted that Club Service and Professional Service both help us to enjoy life and to be good citizens through fellowship. Community Service and Professional Service combine to help us make our local communities better places for us to live and work displaying leadership. International Service permits us to partner with clubs in our district and other districts to make the world a better place to live, with an improved opportunity for world understanding, goodwill, and peace.
Next, I asked myself the following two questions to determine the right direction for the future: What are our members passionate about? Serving the community and what drives our club and provides resources? Membership
These words will not only give outsiders a glimpse of our purpose but also make us proud of our membership! So what are the magical words that can capture the essence of Rotaract? The RCA theme for the year is:: ”Fostering the Four Ships (Fellowship, Membership, Leadership & Partnership) while Serving Our Community"
Having adopted as our theme for 2012-13, "Fostering the Four Ships (Fellowship, Membership, Leadership & Partnership) while Serving our Community", the task of designing of a logo around this theme came to mind. The idea was to make Rotaractors connect with the theme, and interpret it pictorially. Simply put, the logo depicts steps taken by Rotaract.
 A special thanks to Julio "Pondo " Garcia for lending his magic touch and making the attractive logo.”
Stay tuned! The Rotaract Club of Antigua will be serving in a community near you.
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