Tropical Adventures has again captured another Cruise Lines Award, the second time in a month. This time “Carnival Cruise Lines” announced “Tropical Adventures” is the winner of the prestigious “Caribbean’s Leading Tour Operator” a new award offer by Carnival Cruise Lines, the largest Cruise operator in the Industry.
This first time award, reviews tours throughout the Caribbean and have their passengers rate the shore excursion experience over the entire network of Ports within the Caribbean. This award is not for one particular tour, but for all excursions offered by Tropical Adventures, “Excellence”, “Mystic”, “Island Safari”, & “Coach Tours”.
Amilcar (Mico) Cascais, Vice President, Tour Operation – Carnival Cruise Lines, in a personal letter to Pia Baptiste, General Manager of Tropical Adventures, advised “your company’s position as a leading provider of shore excursions and your reputation for first-class service are attributed to your strong leadership and the sense of direction that you provide.” And “the admiration for your accomplishments will be felt by all within the cruise industry”.
Pia Baptiste indicated that all the hard work, constant training, discussions and interaction with staff has paid off, resulting in Tropical Adventures being recognised as one of the leading of tour excursions operators in the Caribbean. Pia added, while we all have similar products it really shows “service matters” and is an honour to be recognised for standing above the rest.
The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of Tropical Adventures are extremely pleased and one again extend their sincere congratulations to all staff for their exemplary performance and look forward to continued accolades and successes, not just for their business but for Antigua & Barbuda in the future.
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