NOTICE ON TRADING LICENSES Monday 5th January 2015
Notice is hereby given that the National Parks (Trading) Regulations, 2014, Statutory Instrument No.9 of 2014 and which was gazetted as Vol XXXIV No.21 dated March, 2014 will take effect on Saturday 31st January, 2015.
The Regulations require that persons conducting business in the National Parks Area should hold a valid license issued by the National Parks Authority. Individuals or partnerships who are non-citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, or who are not in possession of a valid work permit issued under the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code, or a company which is not incorporated under the laws of Antigua and Barbuda, or registered as an external company, and not in possession of a registration number issued by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue are not qualified for granting of a licence. Offenders can face a number of fines and penalties including imprisonment of up to 6 months if caught in the violation of the Trading Regulations.
Kindly take the necessary actions to ensure that your business is duly licensed.
Applications forms and copies of the Trading Regulations are available at The National Parks Office at Nelson’s Dockyard.
For further information please contact us at 481-5022/23.
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