PAAWS is looking for volunteers to join their team. Specific areas of focus are fund raising and re-homing of dogs and cats. In particular, they are looking for marketing and PR skills although anybody with energy and ideas to help them in these fields will be welcomed.
PAAWS is not funded by the government so they solely rely on donations to keep the shelter open and running to care for the homeless animals. Raising funds is a constant uphill battle and they need to establish a steady and reliable income to be able to continue to do their work.
It would be wonderful if the community could get involved; either by becoming a Guardian Angel and making a regular monthly donation or sponsoring a dog. They also offer Business Sponsorship.
Or maybe host fundraising activities. A sponsored walk, cycle, run or sit in a bath of jelly! Have cake sale, morning coffee. Host a tournament at your local Sports, Golf, Tennis, Sailing Club or put on a fundraising ball.
They have minimal hands on staff and can't do this without the communities help and support.
If you have some spare love to put into action, please email: paaws.antigua@gmail.com or call tel: (268) 561-1484.
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