St. John’s, Antigua (27 June 2014) - The International Women’s Club of Antigua and Barbuda and Scotiabank, are pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Scholarship Programme. Nine recipients including Zoie Whyte, Valdrinea Jackson, Claudette James Pharoah, Janessa Griffin, Francine James, Kaeiron Saunders, Kadine Gomes, Jewel Thomas and Denise Antonio will be present at Scotiabank headquarters on High Street in Antigua on Tuesday, 1 July to receive their awards. Ranging in ages from 20 to 49, the recipients have gained esteem in subjects from Marketing and Sales to Forensics.
Scotiabank’s Country Manager Gordon Julian, and Lorraine Perry, CMS and Merchant Services EC Regional Sales Manager, will conduct the festivities associated with the event, based on the bank’s overall objective to support women through educational development at the tertiary level.
“These objectives are aligned with Scotiabank’s ‘Bright Future Programme’ which brings together the passion of our employees, the insight of our partners, and the spirit of our community,” states Julien. “We look forward to our future involvement in this very important event, where we hope to build on its current successes.”
Last year, The International Women’s Club paid out approximately EC$40,000 in grants to nine deserving Antiguan women of varying backgrounds and career interests, to help them defray the cost of their tertiary education. This year, approximately a few more hundred dollars is being distributed to the same number of women, however the IWC has elected to not offer scholarships for online courses, including the the cost of modules.
The IWC continues to set its sights on merging that unique blend of sports and education which it feels are two important elements of a well-grounded community. It is worth re-iterating that as a sponsor, one attracts coverage of the best type from sports as well as education for the establishment. Additional sponsors like Virgin Atlantic Airways, Colombian Emeralds International, AS Bryden & Sons Ltd. El Dorado Rum, Cedar Valley Golf Club, the Media and a host of men and women golfers, all came together last year to make things happen, and we expect to see them again in November this year. With the addition of a new website, and the IWC’s a!liation with, we envision a great public relations tool and the ability to do more online.
To this end, we continue to concentrate on Education in all its forms. This is the cornerstone of any civilized and forward-looking society, and it is the right of all. We continue to support the stipend of an adult remedial education teacher through Project Hope, provide a major prize for the Wadadli Competition, fund materials for the Back to School Project which assists up to 15 youngsters in need, and finally, we give Scholarships to Antiguan and Barbudan women to complete their tertiary education, benefiting not only the recipients and their families, but also fulfilling areas of need within our twin-island state.
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