February 8 2020: Jumby Bay Resorts, Carlisle Bay, Curtain Bluff, Cecilia's, Sotto Vento, Salt Plage, Carmichael's/ Sugar Ridge, Sheer Rocks, Catherine's, Crow's Nest, La Bussola, Colibri, La Brasserie, Le Cap Horn, Clubhouse AYC, Karnagio, Le Bistro, Hodges Bay Spa and Resort, Ana's Restaurant and Art Gallery, Cambusa, Stella's, Cuties, Nomad, Casa Roots, Bella Vita, Hemmingways, Bodog Beach Club, C&C wine House, Cloggy's and SouthPoint. What do all these restaurants have in common? They are part of Dogs and Cats of Antigua annual fundraiser, Mega Foodie Raffle 2020.
Thirty of Antigua's newest, oldest and most iconic restaurants are lending their support for the Mega Foodie Raffle 2020 by offering coupons for a dining experience for two. Some coupons have values as high as $500EC. Tickets for the Foodie Raffle are just $20EC, they are available at Paperclips, Vanity, Putters, Silver Chelles, through group members and Dogs and Cats of Antigua monthly booksales outside Epicurean in Jolly Harbour and Friar's Hill Road. The drawing for the lucky raffle winners takes place at the end of April. Raffle coupons are effective from April 2020 through March 2021. All proceeds benefit Dogs and Cats of Antigua (DACOA).
DACOA is a non-profit organization. It is a foster based network which operates from a Facebook page Dogs and Cats of Antigua Discussion Group. It has been in business since January of 2015, they rescue, vet, foster and rehome Antigua's stray dog population. Since 2015, they have rehomed close to 1900 dogs and cats, 1100 pets have been rehomed overseas, mainly in the US and Canada and a few in the UK.
A DACOA spokesperson said “We are thrilled to have the support of Antigua's restaurant community and we thank them for it. Most of these restaurant owners are dog lovers but they know that stray dogs are bad for business and more importantly they want to know that strays are cared for in a humane way that respects the animal. Every dog we rescue is vetted thoroughly, we very seldom euthanize an animal unless there really is no hope for it. This means we spend a great deal of money treating dogs for health issues like heart worm, mange and vehicular accidents".
The Foodie Raffle is one of Dog’s and Cats of Antigua’s annual fundraisers and they are asking the public to support it because their work benefits everyone. They are hoping to raise at least $20,000.
Contact: Joy Farrell 723 3612.
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