Starting Bid: EC$1,261,000. Auction Date: Wednesday, October 14th 2020 at 4pm.
We shall sell by Public Auction the listed property located on Nevis Street, registered as: Registration Section: St. John’s South, Block 66 1692E, Parcel: 58.
This single masonry structure located in the residential and commercial development on Nevis Street and Cross Street is an ideal space for offices, restaurant, spa or beauty salon.
The external walls are finished concrete blocks, while the internal walls are finished with sheet rocks and concrete blocks. The roofing is constructed from galvanized sheeting; the ceiling is drop ceiling with sheet rock. The building is painted and properly maintained, with flooring finished with ceramic tiles and wooden tiles.
The building has a reception area, two offices, bedroom, bathroom, storeroom and kitchen. The windows are aluminum frame push-up window and picture commercial type windows. The property has wooden and masonry wall on the north and west sides, with a public road on the North and West side, and is flat and rectangular in shape. This listing has services such as water, electricity and telephone from APUA.
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