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Saturday 10th July 2010

Well throughout human history gardners and farmers have grown and saved their own seeds.  Generations after generation, seeds were selected from the plants that produced the tastiest, most tender vegetables and fruits.  Those vegetables and fruits were the result of decades and centuries of careful work, and were specifically tailored to match the local conditions and needs of the people who ate them.
Anyone who has eaten an apple from a local organic farmer's orchard knows that in comparison, the taste and texture of supermarket apples resemble something like dry cardboard.
The apple is just a small example of the result of food grown for profit instead of for quality, flavor and sustainability.
Now that Our Green Isle is on the way, we hope that you will all join us....plant a backyard garden, it's an economic, environmental and spiritual gesture-----a nod, if nothing else, to the primacy of dirt!!
Enjoy the read.
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