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Thursday 4th March 2010

Thanks to a huge cast of businesses and individuals who donated food, drink, supreme chef skills, auction prizes, music, time, energy and passion, and more than 200 partygoers  the Jolly Harbour Golf and Country Club and its members raised over EC$30,000 last Saturday evening in aid of the Haiti Relief Fund.

Drinks and dinner preceeded the shotgun start for the golf tournament where players took to the greens with torches, glowing necklaces and golf balls and pitted their golfing skills against each other. Winners of the 8 hole circuit came to a tie break between Wenty Broodie and Ralph Francis, and Island Provision team Vere Small and Roderick Nicolas. The Island Provision team won due to a count back at the hardest hole where they played the lowest score. The lucky team won a 1 month membership to Jolly Golf and Country Club along with a club visor and t-shirt each.

The fun putting competition came down to a putt-off between John H. and Hubert Roberts with Roberts finally winning a piece of pottery and a painting.

With Chickie Hi-Fi playing throughout the evening, the auction was cut short to allow Itchy Feet to get everyone on their feet dancing.

Monies contine to be collected on auction items and remaining prizes will be auctioned on-line at with all remaining donaitons being added to the final fund in aid of Haiti Relief.

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