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Friday 17th April 2020

Long term rental at US$1,600 monthly

Turtle­berry is a delight­ful house located in Tur­tle Bay, a smart res­i­den­tial area on the penin­su­lar at the outer edge of Fal­mouth Har­bour. The house is surrounded by a well estab­lished trop­i­cal gar­den of palms and other colour­ful shrubs and trees. The east­erly view is across Fal­mouth Har­bour towards Eng­lish Har­bour and the house ben­e­fits from the fresh, cool breezes. The rocky shore­line at Tur­tle Bay beach is just a few min­utes walk away, but Pigeon Beach, one of the best beaches in Antigua, is only 15-min­utes drive away. Eng­lish Har­bour with mari­nas, restau­rants, bars and shops is a 10-minute drive away.

The house is sin­gle storey with two equal-​sized dou­ble bed­rooms, an open plan liv­ing room with kitchen and an enor­mous cov­ered veranda fac­ing the garden with din­ing area, comfy sofa and chairs. At the main entrance at the back of the house and sur­rounded by exotic pot­ted plants is a pretty table and chairs, this a charm­ing break­fast area and a great place to watch the hum­ming­birds. The win­dows are all adjustable red cedar lou­vres, beau­ti­fully hand-made right here in Antigua and the floors are tiled. The ceil­ings are high with ceil­ing fans.

Each bed­room has an en-​suite shower room with ‘rain’ shower heads. The beds are both queen sized four-​posters with white nets, and the mat­tresses have memory ​foam top­pers for extra com­fort. All linens are hotel qual­ity, 100 per­cent cot­ton. Both bed­rooms have AC units.

The kitchen is well equipped with many pots and pans and kitchen tools, knives, serv­ing dishes etc. All the crock­ery and cut­lery you’ll need and enough glasses for a party. The dish­washer is new, Octo­ber 2015 and the five-​burner gas stove, 2013. Other equip­ment includes Nespresso cof­fee maker, food proces­sor, hand-​held blender, ket­tle, toaster.

There is a Smart TV (new 2015) with inter­net, cable TV, DVD player and Bose iPod dock. There are antique brass floor lamps and Indian chests, large can­dle hold­ers and many other dec­o­ra­tive items around the house. Turtle­berry is a ready to move into home.

Out­side there are two tra­di­tional adiron­dack chairs and bench gar­den seats. There’s a gas fired BBQ and tra­di­tional large clay pot for char­coal. There are motion sen­sor lights and the gates are elec­tri­cally opened. There is also an alarm inside the house. The gar­den shed is full of gar­den equip­ment, step lad­ders etc., and there is a tool kit in the house. The top load­ing wash­ing machine is in a sep­a­rate util­ity room. There is a back up hand-​pull-​start gen­er­a­tor. The house has hur­ri­cane shut­ters and a 7,000 gal­lon ­wa­ter cistern.

The house is named after a local tree the Clam­mon Cherry, known locally as Turtle­berry or some­times Turkle­berry and there’s a large clump of it just at the gate.

Ten­ant is respon­si­ble for utilities. For more details on this property click here.

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